The eighth (and final) week (July 20-25) of the Southside Rise & Shine events features the Farley Place neighborhood for beautification. On Sunday, July 25, join us at Calvary Baptist Church (270 Clements Street) from 1 until 4 p.m. for a celebration. (For details, visit Southside Rise & Shine.)
In March, the Paducah Board of Commissioners held Southside meetings with beautification emerging as one of the main themes. Since then, City staff have been planning the Southside Rise & Shine events. Each of the eight Southside neighborhoods will be the center of attention for one week.
During each Neighborhood’s week, This is Your Week signs will be posted, and the Public Works Department will place yellow garbage rollouts and dumpsters around the neighborhood. Each neighborhood is encouraged to dispose of garbage and beautify their homes and yards. Bulky items including tires and appliances can be placed in front of a home next to the street for free collection by Public Works. Each week-long cleaning event will end on Sunday, from 1 until 4 p.m., with litter collection and a neighborhood ice cream social.
Mayor George Bray said, “One of this Commission’s top priorities is the long-term redevelopment of Paducah’s Southside. This is a major project that will require time, money, and teamwork. The engagement of both residents and businesses is absolutely critical to its success. Please join us for the Rise & Shine events as we work together to beautify the Southside and determine a path forward with achievements we can celebrate.”
City Commissioner Raynarldo Henderson has been assisting in the coordination of the Rise & Shine events by reaching out churches to host the Sunday celebrations and sharing the event schedule with residents.
Commissioner Henderson said, “I’m excited about the future of the Southside region for businesses and residents of these neighborhoods. I’m appreciative of Mayor Bray, my fellow Commissioners, city staff, and volunteers for their energy and resources committed to Southside’s future. When we see and experience results, there is always a renewed interest, commitment, and investment among neighbors and friends.”
The City thanks the numerous community partners assisting in this eight-week endeavor. Community Financial Services Bank (CFSB) is helping to organize the Sunday celebrations and providing the refreshments for the ice cream social. Lowe’s is providing volunteers and supplies to help pick up litter and beautify the neighborhoods. Plus, Lowe’s will recycle all of the appliances that get picked up.
What should I do during my neighborhood's week?
- Volunteer to help neighbors with yardwork and moving garbage next to the street or to dumpsters.
- Put litter and household garbage in yellow rollouts and dumpsters scattered around the neighborhood.
- Put bulky items, tires, appliances, and brush/leaves/limbs in front of home next to the street for FREE collection by Public Works. Call Public Works at 270-444-8511 if there are items for collection. Note: Public Works cannot pick up household hazardous waste.
- Volunteer and celebrate on Sunday, 1-4 p.m., at the end of your week. Help pick up litter, meet your neighbors, enjoy an ice cream social, and more!
- Thank the community partners who are making Rise & Shine possible.
Resources and Neighborhood Map - Visit the Southside Rise & Shine webpage (Southside Rise and Shine) for the schedule of neighborhoods which includes the celebration sites and the dumpster locations. For those uncertain of the name of their neighborhood, there is a link to a neighborhood map searchable by address. Also, several resources are linked including volunteer guidelines, information about abandoned/inoperable vehicles, property maintenance and code enforcement, and a handout about the proper disposal of garbage, appliances, tires, and brush.
Neighborhood Schedule
- June 1-6 – Littleville
- June 8-13 – Walter Jetton
- June 15-20 – Kolb Park
- June 22-27 – Uppertown
- June 29 - July 4 – River Park
- July 6-11 – Dolly McNutt
- July 13-18 – Ella Munal
- July 20-25 – Farley Place
Date of release: May 25, 2021